Grid versus Data List Control

In MRI Dreamscape, data lists and grids behave in a similar way; both are web controls bound to a data object that render each data object row in an HTML table. Grids are more fully-featured that data lists.

A grid may be configured so that a user can edit, add, or delete displayed rows to update the bound data object. There is no way to update data directly in a data list.

When you display a data object VARBINARY column containing an image, a grid displays a thumbnail of the image whereas a data list displays an image Download link.

Grids support manual or automatic column generation; data lists only support manual column generation.

Grids provide interactive features in the UI for:

  • editing, adding, and deleting rows.
  • searching in a row.
  • searching in a column.
  • reordering, sorting by, or hiding columns.
  • pagination.

This example shows the same data displayed in a fully-featured grid and a data list: