FSI API: Data Objects


fsi.getDataKey(); Returns the SystemId of the current row in a data object.


fsi.setDataKey(<SystemId string>); Sets the current row in a data object to that matching the supplied SystemId.


fsi.selectDataObject(<data object name>, <where>, <successCallBack>, <errorCallBack>, <completeCallBack>, <subTenantIds>); Returns an array of data from the data object specified.


{String} data object name

{Object} where

{Function} successCallBack, errorCallBack, completeCallBack

{Array} subTenantIds.


If subTenantIds is not specified, the rows returned will be all of those where the SubTenantId is valid for the user.


This simple example returns data in an array from a data object named 'Apps' for the user's valid SubTenant Id(s).

// success callback
var success = function (data){
                         var myApps = JSON.parse(data.result);
                         //Display the data in a text area for testing:
                         fsi.setById('dataObjData', JSON.stringify(myApps));
// error callback 
var error = function() {      
  fsi.log('Reading data object Failed');

// complete callback
var complete = function() {      
  fsi.log('Reading data object Completed');  

// read data from data object
function selectDataObject(){
    fsi.selectDataObject('Apps', '', success,error,complete, ''); 

Where condition

This variation introduces a where condition on a data object field called 'name'.

var where={};
// read data from data object
function selectDataObject() {
  fsi.selectDataObject('Apps', where, success, error, complete);

Specifying SubTenantId

See also User subtenant information in FSI API: User Details.

This variation returns rows for the specified user's SubTenantIds.

// read data from data object
var SubTenIds = [541,564];
function selectDataObject() {
  fsi.selectDataObject('Apps', '', success, error, complete, SubTenIds);


fsi.deleteDataObject(<data object name>,<systemId>,<successCallBack>,<errorCallBack>); Deletes the row specified by systemid from the data object.


{String} data object name

{String} systemId

{Function} successCallBack, errorCallBack


fsi.createDataObject(<data object name>,<values>,<successCallBack>,<errorCallBack>,<subTenantId>); Creates a new row in an existing data object.


{String} data object name

{Array} values Name/value pairs specifying the data object columns and values. See example below.

{Function} successCallBack, errorCallBack

{String} subTenantId


  • If subTenantId is not specified, the user's default will be used.
  • A user can only specify a subTenantId that is assigned to them.
  • If the data object being updated is a child in a one-to-many relationship, or the link object in a many-to-many relationship, the foreign keys must be expressed as SystemID. You cannot use the value that the system displays for convenience ( Parent Display Field or Child Display Field.


var values = [
       { name: 'Surname', value: 'Davis' },
       { name: 'Forename', value: 'James' },
        { name: 'Address_1', value: '4, The Street' },
        { name: 'Address_2', value: 'Romford' },
        { name: 'Address_3', value: 'Essex' },
        { name: 'Postcode', value: 'RM10 9XF' }

function createDataObj() {
  fsi.createDataObject('MyDataObject', values, successCallBack, errorCallBack, subTenantId);


This is similar to fsi.createDataObject above, except that you specify the SystemID of the row in the data object that you want to update.

fsi.updateDataObject(<data object name>,<values>,<successCallBack>,<errorCallBack>); Creates a new row in an existing data object.


{String} data object name

{Array} values Name/value pairs specifying the data object columns and values. See example below.

{Function} successCallBack, errorCallBack


If the data object being updated is a child in a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship, the Child Binding Field: (foreign key) must be expressed as the parent object's SystemID. You cannot use the value that the system displays for convenience (the Parent Display Field setting).


In a real world case the SystemID for the row to be updated would be available from preceding operations, and not hard-coded as in this simple example.

var sysid = '10e903a3-2aae-4c5e-91b0-ab44a32490d3';
var values = [
       { name: 'Surname', value: 'Davis' },
       { name: 'Forename', value: 'James' },
        { name: 'Address_1', value: '4, The Street' },
        { name: 'Address_2', value: 'Romford' },
        { name: 'Address_3', value: 'Essex' },
        { name: 'Postcode', value: 'RM10 9XF' },
        {name: 'SystemID', value: sysid}

function updateDataObj() {
  fsi.updateDataObject('MyDataObject', values, successCallBack, errorCallBack);