FSI API: Mobile Devices

These methods are only available to apps running in mobile devices.

Checking for a mobile device


Use this method to test if the application is running in a mobile device, for example:

function takePhoto() {
 if (fsi.mobile !== undefined && fsi.mobile.isMobile()) {
   //Mobile device
    <mobile code>
 else {
    // Desktop device
    <desktop code>

Enabling a mobile device

fsi.mobile.enabled = <boolean>; Enables or disables mobile methods on a mobile device. Default is false, disabled. 
fsi.mobile.isEnabled() <boolean>; Returns the mobile device status for mobile methods.

Taking a picture or selecting an image

fsi.mobile.takePhoto(<successCallBack>, <errorCallBack>, <options>); Takes a picture or selects an image from the mobile device's image library.

{Function} successCallBack, errorCallBack

{Object} options


  • quality: <number>. The quality of the saved image, expressed as a range of 0-100, where 100 is full resolution. Applies only to pictures taken with the device's camera application; not images selected from the image library.
  • destinationType: <0>. The format of the image returned to the success callback. <0> defines DATA_URL which returns a base64 encoded string. Other values are not currently supported.
  • correctOrientation: <boolean>. Rotates the image to correct for the orientation of the device during capture.

Pop-up menu

Calling fsi.mobile.takePhoto() displays a pop-up on the mobile, displaying options to:

  • take a picture using the Camera. The device's default camera application is opened. After taking the picture, the camera application closes and the app is restored.
  • select an image from the Gallery.
  • Cancel the operation.


This example:

  • checks for a mobile device and enables it.
  • takes a picture at 50% quality, or selects an image from the device's image library .
  • creates an image file using the base64 data, string length, and a filename derived from the current date and time.
  • renders the image in an Image Panel.
function takePhoto() {
 if (fsi.mobile !== undefined && fsi.mobile.isMobile()) {
   //Mobile device
  var win = function  setImagePanel(imgData) {
  // save to image panel  
  var image = {};
  image.Content = imgData;
    image.FileName = new Date().getTime() + '.jpeg';
    image.Length = imgData.length;
    fsi.setById('imagepanel-NewImage', image);
  var fail = function (e) {
  var opt = {
    quality: 50,
    destinationType: 0,
    correctOrientation: true
  fsi.mobile.enabled = true;
  fsi.mobile.takePhoto(win, fail, opt);

else {
    // Desktop device
    fsi.alert("Not available on a desktop computer");

See also FSI API: Image panel.

Get LocationType and LocationId (only works on iOS devices)


Use this method to return the type and id of a Location from a native container in a JSON format, for example:

function callGetLocationTypeAndId(){
	fsi.mobile.getLocationTypeAndId (function(successResponseJSON){

JSON returned {"locationType":"", "locationId":""}