Data Object Triggers
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You can set up a data object trigger to execute a workflow when:
- A row is updated in the data object.
- A row is deleted in the data object.
- A row is inserted in the data object.
You manage data object triggers on the Data Object Triggers page accessed from Workflow > Data Object Triggers on the main menu.
The Data Object Triggers list displays the triggers created and indicates their status in the Is Active column. Select a trigger, and click the Enable/Disable button to toggle the status.
Making a new trigger
To make a new trigger, click Create, and complete the fields on the New Data Object Trigger page.
Name: The name of the trigger.
On: Choose the data object event to trigger on; INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.
Fired: Choose the trigger point; AFTER, or BEFORE the event.
Of: Select the data object from the drop-down list.
Where: Optional 'where' statement to refine the trigger operation. Click in the empty field, choose a column from the drop-down list displayed, and build a where statement from it; for example, @Surname='Robinson'.
Run: Select the workflows to be executed on the event.
Table Column Name List: Select one or more columns from the list. These will be available as input parameters to the workflow.
Enabled: Select the check box to enable the trigger immediately; you can change the status later using the Enable/Disable button.