FSI API: Swiper
Populating swiper slides
fsi.swiper.setSlides('<swiper id>', <template mapping>, <dataset>, true); 'true' (default) resets the swiper.
This method is appropriate when a swiper control has been created, and is to be populated by a dataset; for example, the JSON object output of a workflow. For details about the Swiper control, see Swiper Control.
The swiper slide template will comprise one or more controls. When using a workflow, each control is mapped to a JSON object key by the template mapping, and it's value is set by the corresponding key value in the dataset. Each key/value pair in the dataset defines a new slide in the swiper.
Data object
A data object, SwiperData, holds some information about people:
A swiper slide is to be generated for each person in the data object.
The workflow executes a query to retrieve the data about each person, and returns a JSON object, Result.
Slide template
The data is used to populate three text boxes on the slide template; text-WFName, text-WFAge, and text-WFEyeColour.
function onload() {
fsi.workflow('SwiperData', {}, {}, null,
function (data) {
var mappingDataset = JSON.parse(data.Result).Output;
if (mappingDataset.length > 0) {
var templateMapping = {
'text-WFName': 'Name',
'text-WFAge': 'Age',
'text-WFEyeColour': 'EyeColour'
fsi.swiper.setSlides('swiper-Workflow', templateMapping, mappingDataset, true);
else {
fsi.swiper.setSlides('swiper-Workflow', {}, {}, true);
function () {
In use, by setting the Swiper Appearance properties, the swiper might look like this:
Calling a method
You can call any of the Swiper API methods using the statement below; refer to the Swiper website for details.
fsi.getById('<swiper id>').getSwiper().<method>
Useful methods
fsi.getById('<swiper id>').getSwiper().update();
You should call this method after you:
- add or remove slides manually;
- hide or show the swiper;
- perform any custom DOM modifications to the swiper.
This method adds a new slide after existing slides:
fsi.getById('<swiper id>').getSwiper().appendSlide(<slide HTML>);
You define the new slide as an HTML string; for example,
var newSlide = '<div class="swiper-slide" onclick="myAlert()">My new slide title</div>';