
Visit Tasks page

The Visit Tasks page is the place where contractors:

  • review the details of the tasks to be carried out during their Visit
  • answer any Questionnaires relevant to the tasks
  • provide feedback for the tasks to Gateway and MRI Evolution via:
    • timeline events
    • start and finish date and times
  • progress tasks to their completion
  • add or remove tasks to their Visit

Visit Tasks is accessed from the Available Tasks / Assigned to Me page by clicking the button.

The tasks in the Visit are not 'set in stone'. The contractor has control over the tasks in their Visit.

A contractor could potentially begin work on one or more tasks in a Visit, leave site for some reason, return to site, add or remove some tasks then complete the tasks within the same Visit.

The Visit Tasks page is made up of:

  • a task list on the left, containing summary details of the tasks currently in the Visit
  • a task details pane forming the rest of the page

Adding more Tasks to the Visit

Clicking the button will return the user to the Available Tasks / Assigned to Me page, allowing them to select more tasks and add them to the Visit.

Additional tasks can be added at any time until the Visit has been marked as Finished.

Removing Tasks from the Visit

Clicking the button for a task in the list will cause a confirmation popup to appear:

Clicking Yes will remove the task from the Visit task list. The task will be visible again in the Available Tasks / Assigned to Me grid.

Tasks cannot be removed if they have been started, since the Remove button is no longer displayed against the task.

Task Details pane

Selecting tasks in the list will refresh the task details pane to match the record selected.

Task details of tasks that have not been started can only be viewed. All information about the task, across the tabs, is available to the user.

Starting Tasks

Clicking the 'I'm ready to start this task' button in the task details page will:

  • set the start date and time for the resource's time record against the task in MRI Evolution
  • take the user to the Task Questionnaires page to answer any unanswered before start or during work Questionnaires against the task
  • display the green Finish Visit button in the top right of the screen, only if this is the first task started in the Visit

Task Questionnaires

The screen grab below shows a possible, if unlikely, scenario of four Questionnaires against the task, one each of the following:

  • Before Start
  • During Work
  • Pre-Finish
  • Post Finish

The Questionnaire list is separated into the different Survey Audience and Behaviour types, as defined against the parent Survey Template record in MRI Evolution.

As can be seen below, Questionnaires are coloured green to indicate they have been answered, grey to indicate it is the selected record (unanswered) and blue to indicate it is unanswered:

Once all before start or during work Questionnaires have been answered, the user is taken to the Task Progress page and the focus is on the Work Finished section.

Note: The user does not have to complete the task right away and can navigate the tabs available, add task events in the Timeline and so on.

Task Timeline events

The Timeline tab will display details of events against the task. The events displayed and the functionality of the tab is almost the same as described in Adding Events to the Task's Timeline within Gateway.

The only difference between Gateway and Kiosk is that clicking the 'camera' icon will open a popup like the one shown below instead of a file browser to select an image file:

  • Cancel will close the popup
  • Camera will open the tablet's camera app, allowing the user to capture a new image
  • Gallery will open the tablet's picture source options, allowing the user to select an existing image

Task Progress tab

The Task Progress tab gives a horizontal, swipe able indicator of the stages of the task. It is dynamically built dependant on the task itself, since not all tasks will have the same stages, such as different Questionnaires types and so on.

Clicking on a stage will display the details relevant to the selected stage.

All Tasks Complete

At the point of marking the last task in a Visit as complete (with or without follow up required) the popup below is displayed automatically:

  • End Visit and Log Out - the user is logged out and returned to the Kiosk 'Hello' start screen
  • Add More Tasks - the user is returned to the Available Tasks / Assigned to Me page, allowing the user to add more tasks to the same Visit

Finishing Visits early

A Visit can be finished before all of the tasks are complete by clicking the button.

However, there is validation to prevent a Visit being finished if there are any tasks in the Visit with a status of Started.

The popup below will be displayed:

Where the Visit contains only complete and non-started tasks, a confirmation popup is displayed when the Finish Visit button is clicked:

  • Yes - the user is logged out and returned to the Kiosk 'Hello' start screen, any non-started tasks are removed from the Visit and will be available in the Available Tasks / Assigned to Me page for the user's next Visit to site
  • No - the user is returned to the Visit Tasks page, no changes