Available Tasks / Assigned To Me

Viewing Tasks

The Available Tasks / Assigned To Me grid is the starting point for contractors after logging in to Kiosk.

The tasks displayed will be those that match the Kiosk tablet's site, building or location, as defined in Setting up Kiosk

The screen grab below shows how the grid would appear to a contractor with tasks assigned to them:

Clicking on a task in the grid will open the task record. All information about the task, across the tabs, is available to the contractor, such as Hazards or Compliance Questionnaires needing to be completed.

The tasks opened from the Available Tasks / Assigned To Me grid cannot be started or updated in any way because they have not been added to a Visit yet, as indicated by the yellow 'Add to my Visit' button below.

As can be seen above, the task grid is not fully covered by the task page when it opens, allowing the contractor to click on a different task in the list and have the new task's details displayed.

The task page can be closed by clicking the chevrons button, highlighted below:

Adding Tasks to a Visit

Clicking the 'Add to my Visit' button in the task page will:

  • return the user to the Available Tasks / Assigned To Me grid
  • the task added to the Visit will no longer appear in the grid
  • make a yellow 'View Visit Tasks' button appear at the top of the page (only if this is the first task added to the Visit) highlighted below. The number in brackets denotes the number of tasks currently in the Visit

Not all tasks assigned to the contractor have to be added to the Visit.

Tasks assigned to different contractors or not assigned to any contractor can also be added to the Visit.

The user would need to change the grid filter from 'My Tasks' to 'All Tasks' in order to see a different set of records, then use the same method of opening the task and clicking the 'Add to my Visit' button.

If a contractor adds a task to their Visit, that they were not previously assigned to, it will automatically be assigned to them.

The process of opening tasks and adding them to their Visit can be repeated by a contractor until they are satisfied with the tasks in their Visit.

Validating Tasks to Visits

There is validation built in to Kiosk to prevent contractors adding tasks to their Visit when it is inappropriate to do so.

The screen grab below is an example of the addition of a task being prevented due to the required work permits having not been issued from MRI Evolution. Once the required permits are valid, the task can be added to the Visit without the validation message:

View Visit Tasks

Clicking the button will open the Visits page.

Grid Search and filtering

There's a free-type search field, top-right, where users can enter their search criteria. The grid will be filtered to match the values entered as the user types in the field.

The Date Range from and to allows users to specifiy a date range to return Task records with a Due Date that falls withing the date range.

The My Tasks / All Tasks dropdown will filter the records in the grid to match the chosen value:

  • My Tasks - tasks in the Kiosk device's site, building or location that are assigned to the current resource record
  • All Tasks - tasks in the Kiosk device's site, building or location, regardless of assignment

The filters can be used in conjunction with each other to further narrow the records displayed in the grid.

If no records match the chosen status, due date or building specified, the following message is displayed:

The user can either click the 'Show All Tasks' button or choose different filter options to return records.

Clicking the 'Show All Tasks' button will set the Status dropdown back to 'All', remove any due date and/or building specified and refresh the grid.

The grid can be sorted by clicking the column heading required. Clicking the heading multiple times will toggle between ascending and descending. Each grid column can be used to sort the grid.

The columns are fixed and cannot be customised to remove or add new ones.

Grid Paging

The paging buttons allow navigation to the first, previous, next and last page.